When considering transferring to another college or university, eligibility for entrance and financial support will be determined by grade point average and course selection at your previous institution.
To ensure a smooth transition in the transfer process be sure to do the following:
Make sure to seek academic advising as soon as possible. In your first semester at Sussex, meet with an advisor about your goals for transferring.
Your first step to a successful transfer is to choose a major appropriate to your goals. Meeting with your advisor will help you establish your future college plans and help you reach a decision if you are undecided:
• A.A. and A.S. degrees are designed to transfer
• A.A.S. degrees are not intended to transfer
NJ Transfer is a resource that helps you transfer community college courses to 4-year public colleges and universities in the State of New Jersey. This law ensures that all credits transfer seamlessly.
Learn about the Degree Advantage and transfer with your associate degree and start at junior year status!
To discuss your plans, contact
Student Success Center