Campus Life & Student Engagement

Campus Life at SCCC is the living and learning that takes place outside of the classroom. Join the Skylander family by participating in a club, honor society, or athletic team. Service, leadership, and friendship will give you a complete college experience.

Honor Societies at Sussex
Campus Clubs at Sussex
Athletic Teams at Sussex

SCCC campus life offers a unique and diverse experience for students. While it may differ from the traditional four-year college or university setting, community colleges provide a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes learning, personal growth, and social engagement. 

Commuter-Friendly Campus  |  Close-Knit Community  |  Diverse Student Body  |  Academic Support Services  |  Extracurricular Activities  |  Affordable Education

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Earn College Tuition by becoming an SGA Officer or Student Ambassador

Student Government Officers

The Student Government Association oversees various extracurricular, academic, and administrative policies and procedures. Students have the opportunity to elect members of the SGA; these elected leaders may appoint others to help with specific projects or areas of interest. The Student Government's role is to be the student body's voice and shape the college's atmosphere for our students.

Student Ambassadors

The Skylander Student Ambassador program is designed to give students relevant experience in leadership roles while providing support for SCCC activities. Student Ambassadors participate in a fast-tracked personal and professional development program that offers them unique opportunities to explore their leadership and service potential. Ambassadors perform a wide range of duties and have access to specialized training programs only available at the community college level.

To learn more, visit Student Ambassador.


Explore Our Campus

Take our Virtual Campus Tour!

Visit our beautiful campus and student life in person. Maps & Directions