Student & Alumni Spotlights

Our students are incredible, each one with their own unique story.

These are the stories that make Sussex proud of our academics, campus, staff, faculty and, most importantly, our students. Students always come first!


Our Current Students & Alumni:

Ben Armstrong

Ben Armstrong

Everything about Sussex made perfect sense. I knew I wanted to stay close to home and could not pass up the affordability. As a student-athlete, I was able to continue my passion for sports on highly competitive teams while still getting a quality education. It allowed me to form close friendships with my teammates too. I graduated from UConn in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Sport Management. m worked at Seton Hall University as the Athletic Facilities and Operations Assistant, and currently, I am working for New Balance.

Janette Booth

Janette Booth

Between the knowledge I learned in class, connections I have made with professors, and the people I have met, SCCC has given me a well-rounded education. The professors at SCCC care about the students so much and are always willing to help; whether that is help in the course or personal advice. I truly believe that starting your college education at a community college can help everyone to not only gain the skills they need for their education, but it's also a great way to ease into college life, all while saving money.

Amanda Boehner

Amanda Boehner

Sussex EOF Student

“I was a part of the EOF Program at the College, and I don’t know how I would have graduated without the supportive staff. The program helped me with my books, provided me with resources, and assisted me with class selection.”

Danielle Bottinely

Danielle Bottinely

2023 SCCC Graduate, Culinary Arts Major

"I had so much fun at Sussex County Community College! Getting involved on campus was such a great experience. Everyone was so welcoming and made me feel like I was part of the Sussex family."

Brandon Caldwell in Sirius Studio

Brandon Caldwell

2014 SCCC Graduate, Producer: Sirius XM

“I knew I wanted to be in the sports broadcasting field. Had it not been for the great staff at SCCC, I would not be where I am today. It was their guidance, expertise, and confidence in my ability that made me believe in myself. The experience I obtained helped me gain the knowledge needed to flourish. I am now living my dream, and it started at SCCC. I transferred to William Paterson University and interned with ESPN NY and SiriusXM. I landed the Associate Producer position and had since been promoted to Producer.”

Student in a chef hat

Jill Christian

The reason I came to Sussex is that I knew students that had attended the College. I also wanted a culinary program and Sussex offered that, close to home. Working locally in a restaurant made me realize that I enjoyed the culinary aspects. Cooking has become my passion and I envisioned myself staying in this career and into the future. I am very happy I made the choice to attend Sussex.

Angela Costanza

Angela Costanza

2023 SCCC Graduate, Child Development Specialist Major

"I came to Sussex because it was close to home and I didn’t want to go away to college; I was not ready to leave my job as head teacher at a daycare center. Balancing college and work was difficult, but this was the best option. I had nothing but great experiences at Sussex. I met so many wonderful people and all of the professors and advisors I had were amazing. I'm looking to continue my education at Centenary University, pursuing a degree in Elementary Education."

Bernard Cutler

Bernard Cutler

WWII Veteran
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Member
2024 Sussex County Community College Graduate

In the fall of 2012, I embarked on a new educational journey at SCCC. I started taking two classes per semester. Initially, I was apprehensive about being in classes with much younger students. I worried that my age would be a barrier, making the experience difficult. However, these students were incredibly welcoming. They enjoyed having me in class and often asked me about my life experiences.

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Matt Danielson

Matthew Danielson

My goal was to graduate with my associate degree prior to my high school graduation. I kept on track by completing several summer courses. I felt some pressure, but pressure does not deter me, rather, it inspires me to push forward and motivates and drives me to reach my goals. The Jump Start program afforded this opportunity not only for the educational value but the substantial savings on tuition. My double graduation is something I am very proud of.

Erin Domino, Alumni

Erin Dimino

"I love to tell people that going to Community College, specifically Sussex, was the best option for me. It was the perfect stepping stone for me to move onto new places and gain new experiences. After graduating from SCCC, I received my bachelor's degree in Biology with a minor in Forensic Science from Radford University. I then transferred to the University of New Haven and graduated with my master's degree in Forensic Science."

John Dimino

John Dimino

"Sussex County Community College was a great choice for me. I have always wanted to be a firefighter and SCCC’s A.A.S. Fire Science Technology program was a perfect place to start. The instructors are knowledgeable and were great resources in guiding me with my career choice. I am now a firefighter with Horry County Fire & Rescue in South Carolina."

Erin Douglas

Erin Douglas

My professors and my experience at Sussex taught me how to confidently and successfully speak in front of a crowd, how to manage my time efficiently, and how to write a well-supported research paper- skills I will need for the rest of my life. I transferred to West Chester University Class of 2020 with a B.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders Candidate. I was am a member of the National Student Speech-Language and Hearing Association (NSSHLA), and a Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, Member.

I am now enrolled in a Doctor of Audiology program at Montclair State University, to really prove that at Sussex you can start here and go anywhere.

Conan Escala

Conan Escala

My dream is to share my passion for cooking with anyone who will listen. I've thought for a few years that Sussex would be my best option to begin in the culinary arts world. Now that I'm here I know for sure that I will be able to take what I learn here and succeed anywhere.

 Elizabeth Delfino

Elizabeth Delfino-Chiappelli

2004 SCCC Graduate, AAS Early Childhood Education
Transferred to Centenary University

"I started my educational journey at Sussex County Community College as a non-traditional college student, and a mother of two, looking to accomplish my dream of becoming a teacher. The professors encouraged and supported me along the way. After earning a Child Development Specialist Certificate, I began my first teaching position a local Lutheran preschool. This inspired me to return to SCCC and earn an associate degree in Early Childhood Education. I then transferred to Centenary University to study history and education. After I graduated, I gained employment as a kindergarten teacher, but found I needed additional skills to accommodate children with special needs. I decided to continue my education at Centenary to earn a Master’s in Special Education and a second Master’s in Educational Leadership. I am excited to be back where I started my education, teaching early childhood education courses at SCCC. I hope I can inspire and help young adults take the leap into the field of education."

Josh Felix

Josh Felix

Attending Sussex was probably one of the best experiences, honestly I preferred coming here than going to a four year right away. I was President of the Multicultural Club and I met more friends than I expected. I got to be a part of a lot of things.

Jennifer Fliegel, Alumni

Jennifer Fliegel

I began at Sussex County Community College in my junior year in high school through the Concurrent Enrollment Program. This program enabled me to get a jump on my college career. In 2010 I graduated high school and enrolled full-time. I became part of the SCCC softball team, which taught me a lot about life, friendships, teamwork, collaboration, and time management. Sussex was where my journey began, where I had outstanding and caring professors and where I made lifelong friends. If it were not for Sussex, I would have never been able to find my passion. Sussex has been a valuable asset in my career!

Meg Fonseca

Meg Fonseca

2018 Graduate, AA Liberal Arts
Transferred to Drew University

"At Sussex County Community College, I had amazing teachers who gave me the attention and resources that I needed to be successful. Having attended a larger university first, then transferring to SCCC, I always recommend to all first-year students to go to a community college first. It allows you to transition from a high school curriculum to college life in a seamless way, versus an abrupt change to a large university. You have personal help from teachers who know you on a first name basis, access to more help, access to better tutors, and access to a smaller, tight-knit community that wants to see you succeed."

Alyssa Fuller

Alyssa Fuller

It was scary at first to come back after not being in school for ten years. However, the staff in the Advising & Counseling Center helped me figure out all the courses I needed to take and helped me find my path. I decided to come back to college to become a role model for my kids. To show them that it is never too late to go back to school.

Deandra Gomez

Deandra Gomez

2024 Sussex Graduate, A.S. in Criminal Justice
Recipient of SCCC’s EOF Outstanding Achievement Award at the EOF State-Wide Recognition event

"I attended SCCC because it was close to home and offered so many opportunities! One of the best support resources at SCCC was the tutors, they were willing to help students with any subject. Everyone was very helpful throughout my college experience; advising, the professors, and especially the EOF Department, were always there to assist and guide me. I loved the EOF Program, everyone was willing to answer any questions I had and provided me with the school supplies that I needed to succeed. I will be continuing my education by utilizing the 3+1 Ramapo/Sussex Partnership Program to earn my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. If I were to offer advice to an incoming student, it would be to give college your all; your hard work will pay off in the end!"

Freddie Gonzalez

Freddie Gonzalez

2023 SCCC Graduate, Engineering Science Major
Transferring to NJIT, Civil Engineering Major

"At Sussex County Community College, you will have a support group behind you throughout your education. The professors are very accommodating; they will go out of their way to help you one-on-one and will ensure that you understand the course material."

Samantha Haak

Samantha Haak

I enrolled in college at the height of COVID-19 and decided to stay close to home. I am a 2021 winter graduate with an Associate of Science in Environmental Studies. I am studying at the University of Montana Western in Dillon, Montana. I am a first-generation college student. It is an honor to say that I am a woman in STEM that has started their journey at SCCC. While at SCCC, I could work due to my classes' flexibility. I was able to gain an education, hold a job, and still be close to my family. Now, at the University of Montana Western, I have dived into the field-based core classes in my program filled with hands-on experience. SCCC has prepared me to enter a four-year university and taught me to challenge myself and take any opportunity. SCCC's slogan holds true: "Start here, go anywhere."

Brianna Inglima, Current Student

Brianna Inglima

"I knew Sussex would give me the foundation I needed to build up from and lead me towards the decision of my future career. I had also learned about the NJ Stars program and worked hard to qualify for it to make SCCC an even better choice for me financially. I’ve learned so much at Sussex so far and it has helped me better understand what career path I truly felt fit my personality and skill sets."

Faith Kansky

Faith Kansky

2023 SCCC Graduate, Liberal Arts Major

"I felt comfortable coming to to Sussex because it's affordable and I knew a lot of people who were planning to attend. I was a great experience, I had some really amazing professors and I was able to meet new friends. After completing my degree at Sussex, I feel prepared to pursue my Food Business Management degree at the Culinary Institute of America."

Ivy Kellenberger

Ivy Kellenberger

SCCC provided me so many opportunities for my education. I attained 12 college credits through the Jump Start Program, and I ended up graduating high school at the end of my junior year. It opened so many doors for me, as I was 17 and pregnant. I immediately began my college career online, and I finished my first semester of college one day before I gave birth to my daughter in December 2017. I continued to raise her and complete my associate degree. In those 2 years, I came into contact with professors who inspired me greatly and personnel that encouraged me to keep pushing despite how hard it had been. I am excited for the opportunities that lie ahead, thanks to my time at Sussex County Community College.

Dawn Machacek

Dawn Machacek

2007 SCCC Graduate, Marketing Coordinator

“For me, going to SCCC was the best decision I could have made. I received a high-quality education and was able to graduate four years of college with less debt. The professors were truly dedicated to the students and they had a real passion for teaching. It made the transition to SCCC extremely easy. My classes were small and the courses I completed at SCCC were easily transferred to Fairleigh Dickinson University where I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance.”

Alexander Martinez-Partida

Alexander Martinez-Partida

I went to an area high school that pushed me to attend a 4-year university, but I always knew I wanted to attend Sussex. I grew up and lived near the College, and I always knew it was like a second family to me. Ever since I started College, that statement has proved to be true. I am really engaged on campus and feel like I actually matter here.

My advice to incoming students is don’t be afraid to make their mark. Sussex is the place to make your impact and to show what you can do. The College faculty and staff really want you to succeed and they will do everything in their power to help you make that happen.

Matthew McAvoy

Matthew McAvoy

As an international student coming from Australia, Sussex was able to assist in enrolling me into the right classes and help me get set up academically in America. Being a part of the Men's soccer team at Sussex was one of the best experiences. The faculty was extremely supportive of the team and we always felt responsible to represent the college as best we could. It was amazing to be a part of a community that cared about the team's success. Many of the professors were able to open my mind to the various careers and opportunities available after Sussex. I found new interests in different fields I previously had no knowledge of. In particular, I was inspired to attain a bachelor's degree in Psychology.

Ryan McManus returns to Sussex to advise current business students.

Ryan McManus

Sussex County Community College allowed me to experience a great education while paying an affordable price. I was enrolled in the NJ STARS program which gave me further assistance in taking extra classes to earn a Degree in Business Administration and Business Management. I transferred to Seton Hall University and am currently studying Finance, Management, and Entrepreneurship.

Samantha Masih

Samantha Masih

May 2023 SCCC Graduate, Engineering Science Major
June 2023 Sussex County Technical School Graduate

"I really enjoyed my time at Sussex County Community College, the students, staff, and teachers are all supportive and did not treat me differently because I was a high school student. Being involved on campus in the theater and as an Officer in the National Society of Leadership and Success helped me connect with students. I am encouraging my high school engineering program peers to participate in the Concurrent and Jump Start programs at Sussex, because it’s a great program and the College is easy to work with. After I graduate from Sussex Tech, I will be attending Boston University to attain my bachelor’s degree in Biology - Cell Biology, Molecular Biology & Genetics Specialization with a dual degree in Mechanical Engineering."

Hope Nafis

Hope Nafis

Sussex County Community College gave me so many opportunities and the chance to meet people involved at the college. After graduating in 2020, I transferred to Centenary University to pursue my degree in Elementary Education. By being in the honors society at Sussex, PTK, as well as obtaining my associates degree, I was given many scholarships which helped me tremendously. SCCC also gave me several job opportunities which allowed me to learn things I never thought I would. By getting to know the staff at Sussex, I have received a lot of guidance and have created many relationships that have impacted my life.

Kelly Nelson

Kelly Nelson

I chose Sussex County Community College because of the affordability, location, and their Electrical Lineworker program. I believe it is a field of work that will always be needed. The courses at Sussex are excellent, the professors are very knowledgeable, and there is focus on lineworker safety. As the only woman currently enrolled in the program, I hope my success at Sussex gives women the confidence to pursue a career in Electrical Lineworking.

Photo of Tara Nestinger

Tara Nestinger

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to receive a scholarship from the 100 Women Project. Being a single mother while struggling financially I am trying to ensure the best future of my children and myself by receiving a higher education. In my journey to obtain my degree, this endowment means literally the world to me in helping me to achieve that goal.

Lucas Nooter

Lucas Nooter

I utilized the Post 9/11 GI Bill and graduated from SCCC in 2015 at age 70. The faculty was amazing and many professors had qualifications mirroring requirements at 4 year Colleges or Universities. I had some college credits, but prior military service and family obligations prevented me from completing the degree requirements. I highly recommend attending SCCC for a solid base to continue your higher education goals.

Christine O’Brien

Christine O’Brien

Graduated as a Member of SALUTE, the Veteran's National Honor Society

I decided to use my veteran benefits to get my education; it was a perfect opportunity. The veteran's services coordinator is amazing and very supportive. I was able to utilize the Veterans Resource Center, which was a great place to get away and study. The College is wonderful and encourages anyone to make this their first educational stop. It’s a great place to start.

Melissa Osieja

Melissa Osieja

"I moved up to Sussex County four years ago, and when I turned 21, I decided I was ready to continue my education. I chose to pursue a degree Human Services because I enjoy helping others and I would love to give back to my community. My experience at Sussex has been absolutely amazing. The teachers are so helpful and kind. They strive to see you succeed and will provide any resources in order to help you reach your full potential."

Alejandro Patina

Alejandro Patina

"As a native of Columbia, I came to America with my family to live the American dream in 2014. I did not know the language, which was not easy for me to learn. After graduating high school, I applied to several universities to study engineering but was still determining which branch of engineering. Being uncertain, I was scared to spend that kind of money on a 4-year college, so I came to Sussex because it was affordable and a perfect fit. While at Sussex, I also realized that I wanted to become a civil engineer. My professors gave me the one-on-one experience that helped me be successful. After I graduated from Sussex in 2018, I was accepted into the Engineering Program at NJIT. I felt more prepared compared to some of the other NJIT students. I graduated in 2020, and I am currently a senior-level engineer."

Jack Peterson, Alumni

Jack Peterson

Starting at Sussex was the best decision I could have made for my education. I could concentrate on my studies and get my GPA in better standing. As a Criminal Justice major, I gained an understanding of the field and had fantastic professors to guide me along the way. I transferred to Ramapo College, receiving my bachelor’s degree in Sociology with a Criminology Concentration. I look to further my education and earn my master’s degree through my current police department to help me move through the ranks. I encourage all students to make Sussex their first choice!

Majorie Pluviose

Majorie Pluviose

2012 SCCC Graduate
Marywood University, Nursing Graduate

“I started at SCCC as an ESOL student. I wanted to become a nurse, but I figured the road would be too long so I became a surgical technician. I returned to SCCC and graduated with two degrees geared toward nursing. I was accepted to Marywood University in 2014 and graduated in May with my BSN. I have come to the realization that there is no road too long to get to one’s destination. There is no task too hard to accomplish if one sets their mind to it and believes in their potential.”

Medical Assistant Student, Abagail Quara

Abagail Quara

The Medical Assistant Program at Sussex has granted me many opportunities to learn about the medical field and how I can help others. If you want to work in the medical field and do not know where to start, I recommend starting with the MA program at Sussex County Community College!

Photo of Scott Raghubir, Current Student

Scott Raghubir

I started at Sussex County Community College because it was close to home and I could be near my family. As a club president on campus, I can see what local volunteering can do and how I can be more involved in the town of Newton. I plan to expand my involvement at the College as the Vice President of the Student Government Association. The College has exceeded my expectations both in the classroom and with my professors, and I would recommend the College to any incoming students. 

Randall Ramdas

Randall Ramdas

2023 SCCC Graduate, History Major

"I love the environment at Sussex, it’s a beautiful campus. The College was a great place to connect with so many people; it was the perfect opportunity for networking. My advice to incoming students is to make sure that you do what you love; you won’t fail if you have a passion for what you’re pursuing. After completing my degree at Sussex, I will be transferring to Montclair State University to continue studying History."

Dennis Sebastiano

Denise Sebastiano

"Currently, I have a Certified Nursing Assistant license and saw that Sussex offered a Medical Assistant program which will help advance my career. I had never attended college, but all three of my sons graduated from Sussex, and I thought it would be a good place to start. It was difficult getting started since I didn’t know the latest technology, but still, I was up for the challenge. Of course, you must be mentally prepared, and many things are involved. But everyone at Sussex is here to help, from classwork to understanding financial aid. If you want to expand your horizons, Sussex is the place to do it."

Eric Sorensen-Vanderhof

Eric Sorensen-Vanderhof

Major at SCCC: Business Administration
Member of: Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society

I chose to enroll at Sussex County Community College because it is a fantastic institution that provides affordable education and offers transfer opportunities to four-year colleges or universities for further studies after graduation. SCCC has also allowed me the flexibility to study online while playing professional hockey around the world, which enabled me to keep advancing my education. I have found student services like the Student Success Center, Financial Aid, and Registrar to be very supportive; making registration easy, while also also assisting me with class-related questions. I am truly thankful for Sussex County Community College and deeply appreciate the chance to continue my academic journey. I would recommend SCCC to others, and would offer this advice to prospective students: Work hard and believe in your abilities, do it for yourself and your family.

Photo of Andrew Sorton, Alumni

Andrew Sorton

Going to Sussex really helped me get a better understanding of how college works, and how to really invest my time into academics. Sussex was a great start for my education because not only did I learn proper material in relation to my major, but it helped me prepare myself for when I continue my studies at the university level. On top of that, the price is very reasonable, and I had the ability to study while at home.

Arielle Stampone, Current Student

Arielle Stampone

I came to Sussex because I wasn’t ready to go away to college. When I started, it became a reality that I needed to apply myself. In just a short time, I realized the college had so much to offer, and I felt right at home. There are so many benefits to graduating first before transferring, not to mention saving money and decreasing my overall debt for my college education. I’m so excited to continue my journey at Marist College.

Sunny Tola

Sunny Tola

2023 Graduate, Criminal Justice Major

"I decided to attend Sussex because I wasn’t ready to leave home yet. I became a Student Ambassador, which helped me connect with other students. The professors were amazing and were always so supportive and willing to help. Coming here before going to a four-year college was a great way to adjust to college life; I’m now ready to attend Ramapo to pursue a degree in Political Science."

Photo of Mario Umanzor

Mario Umanzor

I found out about Sussex County Community College when I was living in Costa Rica. I was looking to play soccer and get an education in the United States. It was great to meet people from different countries and connect with other students from all over the world. The students and staff were really helpful, so it made it easier to come to campus and be a part of the College.

Sam Vance

Sam Vance

I started Concurrent classes my sophomore year of high school. Getting a head start and also saving money was important. I was able to graduate from Sussex BEFORE high school! Sussex helped me find my passion for what I wanted to do and the degree I wanted to achieve.

Blonde haired girl with denim shirt

Mackenna Wallace

During my senior year of high school, I took courses in Cosmetology from Sussex and graduated with my license. I had such a great experience and knew Sussex was where I wanted to continue my education, plus it was close and very affordable. After my reign as Miss Teen NJ, I enrolled at Sussex in Business Administration. I am also currently a Student Ambassador.

Kevin Weatherwalks

Kevin Weatherwalks

2015 Graduate, AS Mathematics
Transferred Montclair State University

"As a nontraditional student with a decade-plus gap between high school and post-secondary school, SCCC was the perfect place for me to build confidence in my abilities and prove my value. The small class size made it easy for me to make connections with other students since we shared many of the same classes and often lunched together to talk about our assignments and our goals for the future. My teachers were wonderful, always having an open door to discuss course material as well as helping me gain additional financial support by writing letters of recommendation for scholarship applications."

Victoria Wilklow

Victoria Wilklow

"I was a make-welder for a while, and I fell in love with welding and wanted to make a career out of it. My future plan is to become an industrial welder, working on bridges or something fun like rollercoasters. I look forward to learning everything I can. I chose Sussex because of how the shop is set up and how the College puts a lot of effort into making the students safe. The staff is very friendly, making you feel like you are a part of their family."

Illiana Woodhall

Illiana Woodhall

2021 Graduate, Transferred to Montclair

I am very proud that I am a first-generation college student. As a Sussex graduate of 2021, I was able to earn my degree before I moved on to my 4-year college, where I will be earning my combined bachelor’s and master’s degree in special education teaching.

When I walk back onto the Sussex campus, it feels like home. Sussex is so welcoming, and it prepared me for my four-year college. I was able to lay the foundation of my education by working hard and meeting many deadlines. Getting my general education requirements out of the way helped me focus on my career classes at my four-year college.